Saturday 17 January 2015

DIODE -Its different types

Universal diode form

A diode is a semi-conductor device,with two terminals allowing flow of current in only one direction.The discovery of crystals rectifying abilities was made by German physicist Ferdinand Braun in 1874. The first semiconductor diodes, called cat's whisker diode, developed around 1906, were made of mineral crystals such as Galena.In these days,most of the diodes are made of si, but other semiconductors such as selenim or germanium are also sometimes used.
voltage vs current characteristics
The characteristics of a diode define the transfer of charge carriers as of called depletion layer formation during semiconductor state and variations takes place.If an external voltage is placed across the diode with the same polarity as the built-in potential, the depletion zone continues to act as an insulator, preventing any significant electric current flow . This is the Reverse Bias phenomenon.

Different Types Of Diodes
As well, there are many different types of diodes we use in our dialy lives.The above figure shows the diodes which we use generally.If we consider about the symbols i.e symbols reflecting different diodes

can be seen in below figure.

These symbols are mainly used while representing the electronic circuits in our studies.These different diodes make their use in respective functions as per their working limits.

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